The red-bordered pixie, a tropical butterfly in the metalmark family. Unique to So. TX within the US. |
Zebra heliconian, of the tropical longwing family |
Zebra and Julia heliconians are in the "longwing" family. These butterflies all feed on passionflower as larvae. The gulf fritillary is one of the more widespread representatives of this group. Gulf fritillaries were actually quite common on site-- the daft creatures were still reproducing. I even found a caterpillar climbing up a plumbago plant looking for a place to pupate. Gulf fritillaries perform a migration of sorts. They cannot survive freezing at any lifestage, so every year they must recolonize their entire northern range. The University of Florida's entomology page claims that the adults move south over the winter. For all I know the butterflies we see north of the freeze line are representatives of a giant population sink.
I'm pleased to have finally captured the full life cycle. First comes a passionflower, then a funky caterpillar, and then 'voila', a gulf fritillary.
How to make gulf fritillaries |
Next week: the finer points of hairstreak ID.
White peacock |
Brown longtail |
Silver-banded hairstreak? |
sickle-winged skipper |
My list for 11/2/2014:
ID’d butterflies
subtropical(ish) species
brown longtail
sickle-winged skipper
red-bordered pixie
white peacock
dusky-blue groundstreak
silver-banded hairstreak (damaged)
zebra heliconian
Julia heliconian
mallow scrub hairstreak
large orange sulphur
celia’s roadside skipper
southeastern species
hypocala andremona (underwing moth)
red banded hairstreak
phaon crescent
clouded skipper
bordered patch
funereal duskywing
widely distributed
fiery skipper
common checkered skipper
tawny emperor
gulf fritillary
little yellow
American snout
painted lady
cloudless sulphur
southern dogface
question mark
gray hairstreak
eufala skipper
The brown longtail looks more like a mouth. That must serve a purpose.